I am taking an art quilting class online at Quilt University. I was so excited when I signed up and thought it would be a great way to try new techniques and ideas. Well it did just that. But it wasn't as easy as I had expected. The water piece was the hardest one for me. I have to say though, I am VERY pleased with the results. Mind you, these are not the final pieces. I am going to be making 4 quilt tops using 4 elements - water, fire, wind and earth. I am currently on wind and loving it.

So I have decided to post my works in progress. Water and fire are the first two up. Then when I have wind and earth complete, I will add them. The final lesson will be how to finish off our pieces. I will post finals pictures of all the quilts upon completion so you can see the before and after. Feel free to leave me any constructive advice.
