Lynda Thompson put out a challenge to do a raven based piece to help celebrate Edgar Allen Poe's 200th birthday on January 19th. The challenge was based on the poem
"The Raven". Each had to create a 4"x 6" postcard incorporating anything raven into the design. There have been some very cool pieces!
This has been a very successful call as there are so many people participating. It caught the eye of Virginia Spiegel who does fundraisers for the American Cancer Society. She has the
Collage Mania fundraiser coming up in April and a lot of people are thinking of donating their pieces to the fundraiser - myself included.
Here is one of the pieces I have created:

I have to mount it to heavy board to get it to the 8" x 10" size required for Collage Mania. I am thinking of painting the background to extend the postcard image. I will post the final piece when complete. I also have another piece almost done and will post that in the next few days.