Original picture printed on a laser printer.
Materials - white cotton fabric, watercolor crayons, my picture for reference and a paintbrush. I didn't add the water because knowing me, I would spill it before starting. Not cool!
The flower sketched in with the watercolor crayons.
Fun part! I dip my brush in the water and start painting over the drawing. Some areas blend and others stay put. Once I was finished, I put it outside to dry. It is nice and sunny and hot so it dried very quickly! When it dries slowly, the colors migrate into one another a lot more.
Thread painted and then puffy paint to create the flower centers. I thread painted with a fire engine red thread for the petals, added a wine purple and a light blue to pull out more details. After the puffy paint dried, I heated it up to puff it. I painted them with dye pens and added shadows. The "pollen" was made with puffy velvet in yellow and then colored with orange dye pens.
And here is the final piece! I finished the edges with satin stitching in the same fire red color. I love how this turned out. I have to try a few more I think!
Wow, what a great result!
How cool is that!?!?! I love it...do you have to do anything to it (ie heat set or some kind of fixative) once you do the water part?
All I do after it is dry, is to heat set (using a pressing cloth over the top of it) and then I am ready to sew! Easy and tons of fun! I have two more I am working on. One is done and the other is halfway done.
Oh my gosh, your lily is gorgeous!!! If you are ever interested in trading it for some rusty fabric let me know.
Linda T
Oh, this piece is beautiful. Looking back thru previous posts, you do awsome work with your watercolor crayons. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely! The finished flower is wonderful. Thanks for showing your process!
I love the big flower! I have also been experimenting with printing my photos and overpainting...maybe great minds think alike? or are we both thinking of the QA calendar for 2010 with the garden theme?
Thanks everyone! This was the piece I gave to Michelle for all her hard work on our behalf.
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