The piece is 30" x 50" and a whole cloth piece. I drew out the design using watercolor crayons and water. I created the rocks using puffy paint and acrylic paint. I added details in the water using fabric paint. The trees are couched fibers, hand embroidery and beads. The face was made from the watercolor crayons and dye pens and hand embroidered with thread. The grassy areas were more couched yarns of various colors and weights. The flowers were made from painted cotton face cloths and cut to form petals and then sewn together. The leaves are created from various green batik fabrics fused together and cut into leave shapes, then hand sewn on. I machine quilted around the rocks to add more dimension. The red flowers were silk tangles from Jane Steinberg (Artistic Artifacts sells them).
This piece was from a photo my mother took out of a bus window and it was going to be thrown out. The picture caught a reflection in the glass of a lady on the bus and part of the scenery outside. The idea stuck in my head and I tried many different mediums to make it work - 15 years of trying! I finally tried it in fiber about 3 years ago and was liking how it was turning out until something made me stop. I let it sit for two years and then picked it up again and didn't stop until finished. I was so pleased with how this turned out.
Wish me luck in Houston!
Wow, it's lovely. Congrats on getting accepted. I hope to get a fat envelope too...one day. That is, when I actually submit an entry. It's on my goal list.
Patty.. I just have to comment again... it is so beautiful, I sure hope the judges think it is THE BEST!!
Thank you for sharing how you made it.
So Great!! I'm glad the photo didn't get thrown out and that you went back and finished the piece, too. It must have needed to stew a while... The final result is fantastic!
Glorious piece, so textural makes you want to reach out and feel it.
WOW, Patti, CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!! That's amazing! Great work!
Wow! Congrats on Houston. That is a really cool piece; very ethereal with the woman who accidentally got in the pix. Beautiful colors and techniques.
Ah, to see this in all its glory--often wondered where that lady's beautiful face was and was going to show up-----awesome news too!
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