What a surprise to find out that I have been nominated for a Kreative Blogger award by Sherryl Buchler! I have been following her blog Having Fun since meeting her on the Fiberarts Group started by Ms. Annie Copeland. Sherryl does the most amazing fabric using dye. Her latest class took her to a shibori workshop and I am drooling over her pieces!!
The rules of the award are:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
So the nominees are: Christine Swieszcz and her blog Lily & Paris Designs. She likes to do hand embroidery and pairs that with wonderful color combinations. I frequently ask for her help/opinion when stuck on a project.
Katherine Sands blog, Art Journal - A Creative Journey. She is doing all kinds of experimentation with dye, fabric and surface design. I had the pleasure of meeting her at IQA Chicago last April. Fun, fun, fun!
I found Ms. Fannie Narte through a message she left on my blog. Her blog, Fannie Narte
holds a vast array of wonderful eye candy. She is more of a mixed media gal with a web presence and an etsy shop.
My next nominee is another person I met at the IQA show in Chicago last April. Lynn Krawczyk has a wicked sense of humor and her blog never fails to make me laugh out loud. Her blog Fibra Artysta-Mixed Media is another I frequent.
And finally, so hard to pick only 5! Virginia Spiegel who blogs at Virginia A. Spiegel on a very regular basis. She is a driving force for the American Cancer Society. She has several fundraisers involving artists from around the world as well as posting inspirational thoughts, prose and pictures. She posts her works in progress as well as her completed pieces, always leaving me scratching my head wondering how she achieved such wonderful surfaces on fabric!