Saturday, January 8, 2011

Strathmore Online Sketchbook

Well I signed up to do the sketchbook project with Strathmore because I just have so much free time on my hands! LOL. My thinking was that I would do this while the kids are doing swim practice. Yeah that is not happening because I have to go chat with everyone. In my defense, it is my only chance to speak to adults! I work with preschoolers all day so adult interaction is precious! I did manage to do a couple for this and one somewhat in the works.
We were supposed to take old sketches and make copies. Then cut, rip or tear them up to create another composition. Seemed simple enough. Part two has been posted and I haven't checked it out yet. So here are my two starting pieces:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patty... you are farther ahead than I am!! I can't seem to get out of the starting gate...
I am going to look at the 2nd video and maybe get a start when I see where it is going...