Two posts in one day! Wow! This must be a record for me. Well I am busy trying to work on some of my projects that I started and never finished. Those UFO's are staring me in the face and one of my new years resolutions was to finish off these projects.
I found one of my UFO's and incorporated it into a collage for Virginia Spiegels Collage Mania II. It is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. As I am coming up on the second anniversary of my fathers death from hepatic cancer, I thought it would be nice to honor him with my art. I'm afraid I am not the greatest photographer and the sun has been very absent so getting a good shot was extremely difficult.
The rocks were created with puffy paint on fabric backed with a stabilizer and then painted black, then blue and then some gold for highlights. The water was created using liquid sculpey. After I heated it and let it cool, I went back in the the water and colored it with dye pens then beaded it in some place for smaller rocks.
The rectangles were fabric backed paper. The tissue paper was white and I painted it with metallics to pull out the colors in the rocks. I painted scrim with metallic copper and placed that over the three rectangles. All four pieces were mounted using gold and copper eyelets. A small clock was hung from the middle rectangle. I made large x's in the rectangles and framed the rocks with the same orange yarn. Everything was mounted on watercolor paper that was washed in blue paint.
The rocks represent my father and his love of water. He liked to fish and was also in the navy. He loved nature! The rectangles represent time marching on. The x's and the clock symbolize that our time with him is now over. I framed the rocks to show that even though he is gone, he is still in our hearts and in our memories (like a photograph).
You can check out all the action on this at Virginia's website : http://www.virginiaspiegel.com/NewFiles/ACSFundraiser.html
All donations are for the American Cancer Society.
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